Saturday, June 25, 2022

Roe V Wade Struck Down by Supreme Court

On Friday, June 24 the US Supreme Court reversed its 50-year-old decision on Roe.  

RA Diagnose

 I recently had blood work done and have been diagnosed with RA Rheumatoid Arthritis. I am not excited about this but it does explain the progression of joint discomfort I have been experiencing this past school year. 2021-2022. I have gone from being able to somewhat still compete against students in basketball (October) to barely being able to walk out to the farm by June.

This school year my knees and hips have begun hurting along with joint pain in my hand. I developed Hemroids, a skin rash behind my ears, and pink eye. All the while still under some COVID protocol. 

I have noticed a decline in my movement, let me explain. I have a friend, Terry who is preparing to hike Mt. Whitney. I have volunteered my services in helping him train for the event. We have been hiking local trails. Most recently we have been hiking Ice House Canyon Trail. The trail is pretty challenging 2,700 vertical feet over 3.7 miles. I have been hiking with this person my whole life and have usually been in better condition and would lead the way. However, this time around I am bringing up the rear. My knees and hip hurt on the uphill climb and keep me from trusting my balance on the downward portion of the hike.